Video: Decarcerate PA and Art Factory give context to current prison system

The first video in this series, EVOLUTIONS explains the facts and figures and the history of the prison industrial complex, and why Decarcerate PA wants the system to change. // A collaborative production by Art Factory, PhillyCAM, Decarcerate PA.

This summer, Art Factory collaborated with Decarcerate PA and PhillyCAM for six weeks to make three short stop-motion videos to help people realize the grand actuality of the Prison Industrial Complex. PhillyCAM was gracious enough to let us use their equipment and their space while we planned, filmed, recorded and edited our 3 videos. Decarcerate PA helped us clear up the clouds by telling us more about what they do as well as the political and community results and consequences of mass incarceration. We hope that these pieces will shed light on the current situation, and inspire people to join the movement to stop the prison industry and reinvest in the community.